JT to 3DXML Translator
Why use the JT to 3DXML Translator
Theorem’s JT to 3D XML translator provides a solution for CATIA V5 and 3D Experience users to consume JT files using 3D XML as the sharing mechanism, it also enables 3D Live and Composer users to consume JT files.
The product supports both precise geometry and tessellated data, product structure, metadata and PMI (FTA) data, enabling it to support Model Based Engineering processes. It can be used in support of desktop visualization and for digital mock up processes.
It can be run interactively and in batch mode which enables it to be integrated in to a PLM workflow.

Using the JT to 3DXML translator
The JT <> 3DXML product is a direct database converter between the JT file format, used by the Siemens VisMockup Visualization products, and the 3DXML universal, lightweight XML based format. It enables users to capture and share live, accurate 3D data quickly and easily.
Once in the 3DXML format it describes 3D information in both graphic and in precise form, creating product structure, geometry and meta data such as graphical properties.

The JT to 3DXML translator can be used in a variety of ways:
- Users of 3DLive and 3DVIA can work with the 3DXML files which were originally in the JT format.
- It can be invoked in either an interactive or batch mode.
- The command line interface allows the conversion process to be integrated into any process oriented operation e.g. create a 3DXML representation of the data while saving the 3DXML data to a data vault.
- This product has been developed using a combination of the Siemens JT Open and Dassault Systèmes strategic XCAD technology ensuring full compatibility with both systems.
- JT assembly and BREP geometry is translated into native 3DXML assembly structure and adaptive (precise) tessellation definitions.
- In addition JT tessellated data may be processed into the 3DXML tessellated output format. JT PMI (Product Manufacturing Information) is created as equivalent 3DXML structures.
- Available in 3 configurations: JT to 3DXML uni directional, 3DXML to JT uni-directional and JT <> 3DXML bi-directional
- Uses standard FLEXlm licensing technology
- An additional annual support contract is available ensuring limited product down time and ongoing compatibility with all source applications.
Gain Competitive Advantage
Theorem’s JT to 3DXML Translator
- Facilitates the re-use and sharing of 3D design data in to the lightweight visualization formats
- The use of JT format help to protect IP
- Built with development tools and APIs supplied and supported by Dassault and Siemens
- Runs independently of JT products so minimizes cost and complexity
- Product robustness is proven by daily use in the majority of the world’s leading Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Power Generation and Transportation companies and their Supply chains

Benefit from Improved....
Downstream use of your engineering data
Internal and external communication
Product and process quality
Overall productivity - data reuse
Reduction in errors - data reuse

A Logical Approach to CAD Data Exchange
What should you consider when starting a CAD Data Exchange project?
This article aims to help people highlight, and then side-step, common problems that may occur during their data exchange lifecycle.
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