NX to CREO Translator
Why use the NX to Creo Translator
Designed to help solve the issue of working with and sharing incompatible data formats, Theorem’s NX <> Creo translator is a high quality, cost effective translation solution.
This product is designed for companies using NX and Creo who need an effective method of collaboration between the two mechanical CAD systems. The NX <> Creo translator supports collaboration between companies, their customers and suppliers enabling original 3D mechanical design data to be re-used in downstream activities helping to reduce overall project costs.
Working with original design data helps to simplify the collaboration process, improving communication and provides access to all of the data and information required to progress the product design to manufacture and then eventually to market.

Using the NX to Creo translator
The NX to Creo translator is a direct database converter between Siemens NX and PTC Creo. It enables the user to convert all forms of mechanical design geometry, as well as assembly and attribute information, between these two systems.
This CADTranslate product (previously CADverter) can be purchased and licensed as either a uni-directional, NX to Creo, or Creo to NX converter, or as a bi-directional solution.

The NX to/from Creo Translator can use used in a variety of ways:
- They Support both interactive and batch processing
- This translator reads and writes NX and Creo file data independently to the native CAD system.
- Converts all geometry, and if assembly data (product structure) is in the file, the assembly structure will be mapped between the two systems.
- Supports data filtering which optimizes data and reduces conversion times
- If you wish to visualize and interrogate the NX or Creo files this can be done by using the integrated UI
- Can be integrated with any workflow or PDM/PLM environment
- Available in Uni-Directional and Bi-Directional configurations dependent upon product and user requirement
- An additional annual support contract is available ensuring limited product down time and ongoing compatibility with all source applications.
Gain Competitive Advantage
Theorem’s NX to Creo Translator
- Facilitates the re-use and sharing of 3D design data
- Integrated directly within vendor applications but can be used in batch
- Built with development tools and APIs supplied and supported by Siemens and PTC
- Provides support for exchanging Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) data for downstream activities
- Product robustness is proven by daily use in the majority of the world’s leading Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Power Generation and Transportation companies and their Supply chains
- Options available to Publish data to 3D PDF format to create interactive documentation from source data.

Benefit from Improved....
Downstream use of your engineering data
Internal and external communication
Product and process quality
Overall productivity - data reuse
Reduction in errors - data reuse

A Logical Approach to CAD Data Exchange
What should you consider when starting a CAD Data Exchange project?
This article aims to help people highlight, and then side-step, common problems that may occur during their data exchange lifecycle.
Evaluation Request
Register now to request your free evaluation license of the Theorem CADTranslate solution.
In just a few simple steps we will be able to validate your request based upon the details you provide.
- Complete all of the required details
- Which product you are requesting an evaluation for
- We will contact you to discuss your requirements
- Please only use your company email address for validation purposes as we will not respond to personal email accounts