User Stories and Whitepaper Downloads
User Stories

NCR - Digitally Transforming the Design Review Process
Learn how NCR digitally transformed their Design Review Process with the use of Theorem-XR in Virtual Reality.

Valiant TMS - Merged Reality Concept
Learn how Valiant TMS are using the Microsoft HoloLens for their Merged Reality Concept via Theorem-XR and Visualization Pipeline.

A Logical Approach to CAD Data Exchange
What should you consider when starting a CAD Data Exchange project?
This is an attempt to help people highlight, and then side-step, common problems that may occur during their data exchange lifecycle.

A Guide to the 3D PDF Publishing Format
If you’re unaware of 3D PDF, then you would be forgiven for assuming that the 3D content would be a static image, or maybe an object that could rotate, much like a GIF. In fact, the reality and the power of the 3D PDF are truly extraordinary.

The Next Frontier of Collaboration
The ‘cognitive gap’ is the gap between the form in which data is presented, and the context scale in which it is applied.
For engineers currently viewing scaled down versions of 3D models on a 2D screen, attempting to consider and visualize the impact of changes in the context of a full size product in the real world can be challenging.