Reducing Delays with XR: 'Failing Early' in Design Reviews

Written by Jennifer Cox
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3 mins

Enhance Decision Making with Global Collaboration 

Extended Reality (XR) revolutionizes the design review process by enabling teams to visualize designs at full scale. This provides a more immersive and comprehensive understanding compared to traditional 2D screens. This method helps teams grasp the nuances and details of a design that might be missed otherwise.  

By allowing early-stage collaboration, XR minimizes the dependency on physical prototypes, which are costly and time-consuming to produce.  

TheoremXR enhances this collaborative process by supporting a wide range of devices, including VR, MR, and desktop, making it accessible for users regardless of their hardware. The ability to transfer session control seamlessly between users ensures that feedback is clear and understandable. This visual and interactive feedback process is far superior to traditional methods, where issues might be described verbally or in written form, which can lead to misinterpretations. 

Watch the video demonstration of using XR for collaborative design reviews:

Access Full Scale Designs 

Accessing full-scale 3D models early in the design process allows for detailed analysis and accurate assessments. XR provides tools that enable users to measure and verify design specifications, ensuring that all criteria are met before progressing to the next stage. Users can annotate designs and leave comments directly within the session, which improves communication by providing context and clarity to feedback. This visual approach to feedback is particularly valuable as it allows users to see exactly where changes need to be made. Additionally, recording sessions and sharing them with stakeholders ensures that all team members are on the same page, facilitating better-informed decisions and continuous improvement throughout the design process. 

“Fail Early” in the Design Process 

The concept of "failing early" in the design process is crucial for minimizing delays and avoiding major issues down the line. XR's full-scale visualization helps users spot potential problems early, allowing for timely interventions before they escalate. By understanding the design's suitability for manufacturing and servicing, teams can avoid costly production issues. Involving all stakeholders in the initial design reviews means that their insights and feedback can be incorporated from the beginning. This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of having to make significant changes after the design has progressed, which can be both expensive and time-consuming. Early feedback and adjustments streamline the process, ensuring a smoother path from concept to final product. 


Reduce Travel Time and Carbon Footprint 

Conducting design reviews virtually through XR significantly reduces the need for travel, which is both costly and environmentally harmful. Engineering and manufacturing companies often have teams spread across the globe, necessitating long-distance travel for in-person meetings.  

By enabling virtual collaboration, XR not only saves money but also supports corporate sustainability goals by reducing the carbon footprint associated with air travel. Additionally, reviewing models digitally reduces the need for physical prototypes, which further cuts down on material waste and production costs. While some prototypes may still be necessary, especially in later stages, XR allows for a substantial reduction in the number needed, particularly in the initial design phases. This shift towards digital collaboration and reduced physical prototyping aligns with modern green initiatives and promotes more sustainable business practices. 

In Summary 

XR-based collaborative design reviews bring together global teams, allowing them to visualize and assess models at full scale. This method provides a deeper understanding of designs than traditional 2D screens, facilitating better decision-making and early issue identification. By enabling all stakeholders to collaborate without being physically present, XR accelerates feedback collection and problem-solving, leading to fewer delays and cost savings. Moreover, the reduction in travel and reliance on physical prototypes supports environmental sustainability, aligning with green business practices. Overall, XR enhances the efficiency, accuracy, and sustainability of the design review process, making it an invaluable tool for modern engineering and manufacturing teams. 

Want to learn more? Request a TheoremXR demonstration today.