3D PDF - Supported CAD Formats
What data can I get into the 3D PDF format using CADPublish?

Create and Enhance versions of the 3D PDF Publisher for 3DEXPERIENCE users

Create and Enhance versions of the 3D PDF Publisher for CATIA V5 users

Create and Enhance versions of the 3D PDF Publisher for CREO users

Create and Enhance versions of the 3D PDF Publisher for JT users

Create and Enhance versions of the 3D PDF Publisher for NX users
Why use 3D PDF?
Learn why the 3D PDF format is the ideal way to create rich and intelligent engineering documentation that can be shared with ease across your organisation and wider network, including non-CAD users. We cover:
- The enhanced functionalities of a standard 3D PDF document
- The benefit of 3D PDF's in a manufacturing environment
- Examples of engineering documentation in the 3D PDF format
- The various ways to protect your intellectual property (IP)
- How 3D PDF opens the capability of CAD to non-CAD users

Everything you need to know about the portable document format (PDF)
Of course, you know what a PDF file is, right? It’s a document that has been converted from something like Microsoft Word or PowerPoint so that its contents can be shared by the author; that’s it, isn’t it? Well no actually; it’s quite a bit more than that.